1-10: 7.5
Apartment searching. Thinking about what I want from a habitation for the next two years. Wanting to stop the cycle of moving twice a year. Affordability vs location vs quality of apartment.
Applying for MinnesotaCare insurance. Thinking about the fact that I may make too much to get it. The line is very fine when the government decides if a person can afford to buy their own health insurance or not. If you make a few dollars too many, then you are deemed rich enough to pay over $150/month for second rate insurance where you're only covered in an accident that may or may not ever happen. And you can forget about dental. I may not get new contact lenses for years...
Thinking about money. And how I don't have any. And how I just need to hold on for a few more weeks...
Thinking about family and friends. And how I need to let them in, keep in contact, share the love.
Thinking about little ambitions of mine. And maybe moving ahead and making things happen. Scariness.