Tuesday, October 21, 2008

French Grapes

The itty, bitty fridge in my teeny tiny kitchen is an iceburg. So last night, Natalie and I took everything out, unplugged it and left it open. This morning there is still an iceburg in the fridge, all the milk has spoiled and there's a puddle on the floor. But it's all okay. Because I discovered last night that about a week ago, I bought grapes and forgot about them in the fridge.

I was worried they would be moldy, because they were very ripe when I bought them. But no! This morning I have discovered my new favorite experience: French grapes. Very over-ripe. With a taste so amazing, so extraordinary, no wonder this country makes them into wine. It's amazing. So sweet and syrup-y, bursting with juice. They don't taste like American grapes. I feel I am being insanely indulgent, eating grapes. Crazy.

Hope everyone is doing well
-from the soon-to-be grape connoisseur

PS. Odd how I find grapes to be more important than reporting on my life here...but they're so great!

1 comment:

been blessed said...

I was just there, I know, they are delicious! Know this! Man! Yeah!!

Hope you are having a good morning, I reckon its about the middle of the night there.

Eat some grapes for me today, will ya? I know that's a tall order to fill!

