Thursday, March 26, 2009

N'importe quoi!

Hello blog world. Today I feel like sharing a word with you. Whatever. Simply that, whatever. What do I mean by that, you ask? It's funny...I don't really know. Am I expressing doubt? Disgust? Disinterest? Am I criticizing the attitude of someone else or does it reflect my own? You never really know, and this is the beauty of the world "whatever".

The nearest French equivalant that I've found is "n'importe quoi". However, I don't think there are as many vague meanings with this expression like there are in English. I tend to say it in response to the actions of someone else. Like, "They'll do whatever!" which means this person is basically ridiculous or mentally unsound. I really like this expression and I say it quite often, even when it perhaps doesn't really fit the context. Small example of a conversation where I mis-use this phrase:

Person (in French): ...and then she went to the grocery store, with her kids.

Me: N'importe quoi!

And then the person gives me a weird look. Because I can say this French phrase relatively well, but have no idea how to use it. Oops.


1 comment:

been blessed said...

I am laughing sooo much right now...

You make me smile. I love you.

I hear you say N'importe quoi! so much I think I could pronounce it like a frenchie- AND I DON'T KNOW FRENCH (I will give cred to my knowlage of 1-10 in french)!
