Saturday, April 25, 2009

Beaucoup de larmes

It's 5 in the morning. I just said goodbye to so many wonderful friends here in Nancy...other assistants I won't see again before I leave. I danced the night away with them...those people who have shared nearly all of my experiences here with me. We laughed and joked, twisted and got low. And then we hugged and said goodbye. I may never see them again. We are spread out on four different continents. I love meeting people from all over the world, but it makes it so hard to say goodbye.

Adieu, mes amis!

1 comment:

Benjamin Hartin said...

Dry your tears Allison...

I am happy you have met many friends from all over, and I hope you keep in contact with them... I think it leaves a four continent tour totally more possible than otherwise... BUT this time if you go, I wanna go with you! No more of this 7 months leaving me in the states! ;-)

I love you,
