Saturday, September 5, 2009


There's a radio station in Nancy, France (actually, maybe in all of France, not sure) that's called Nostalgie. It plays older, nostalgic songs. This September time, this back-to-school time, this new apartment time is full of nostalgie. I think about all the other places I've moved in to. And moved out of. I think of all the friends I made and then left. I think about the scents, the music of those other times and places. I can play an album and be transported back to a time when listening to that genre or artist was vital for my continued existence. Which reminds me...I need some new music. But anyway.

Apart from the nostalgia, I've also been a bit overstimulated. Autumn will do that to you. Why, you ask? Because I say it does. Because my memories compounded by the sights and sounds of the State Fair, the moving, the students in the streets, the changing of leaves and seasons, the boxes filled with STUFF sitting around my white-walled apartment hits my brain with such a jolt that I run to my bed and curl up under the covers. And dream weird things that I later relive in brief flashes as deja-vu.

All of this is not to say that I'm unhappy with this state of affairs. I'm pretty happy, despite the fact that the chaos has contributed to my scattered brain and caused me to forget my phone at home twice now. And it's incredible, the number of times I think, "Ugh, I don't have the number for this person cuz I don't have my phone. Ooh, I could call so and so for the number! Oh wait..."

The fact that I have internet now is awesome. The internet and I have rekindled our flame of love and I haven't gone to bed at a decent time the past few days because of this. The best thing about this is I can actually try to have more regular blog postings and I can also talk to friends far away on Skype. God bless the internet!!

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